Month: May 2013

  • english controlled assessment

    Come Back To Us Vaudevue struggled towards the lakes edge, every step even more drawn out and painful as the last. Her tattered olive fatigues hung off her malnourished frame, every remnant of fat and muscle taken by M.L.5. But the hunger was not the reason she could not walk a single pace without pain…

  • Control and poetry

    Come back to us You see me now gasping for air through my horribly burnt lungs. Down by the lakeside choking on my own lungs. There is nothing you can do for me now, the gas from the camps have done their work. My lungs felt like the fires of hell themselves was burning inside…

  • Annotated Dystopia

  • Dystopian fiction opening

    Pain shot up Micheals leg, he glared accusingly at the low coffee table as he hopped on one leg almost comically around the small cluttered apartment. “Dammit” he muttered under his breath, contempt lacing his voice, the sofa on the other side of the room attempted to seduce him into sitting down for a minute…